Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Beyond The Burning Time Character Analyasis essays
Beyond The Burning Time Character Analyasis essays Beyond the Burning Time by Kathryn Lasky is a wonderful novel about the truth and lies of the Salem Witch Trials. During this time, one is either an accuser or the accused. The Chase family is desperately trying to keep calm. Mary Chase, the young daughter of widowed Virginia Chase, and younger sister of Caleb Chase is trying to understand what is going on around her. Mary Chase will not be drawn into the scandal of the Salem Witch Trials, instead she is persistently trying to free her mother from the lies set against her, while trying to help her family survive this crazy time of false accusations and incrimination. Mary Chase is unlike the other girls in Salem Town. She never has any free time to become drawn into the mischeif going on in the town. "And they find the days long. They're not like you, young Mary. You're so busy helping your dear mother on the farm you never have time to think about such things" (Lasky, 32). Mary must help her mother with running the family business, since her father died, and her older brother is being apprentice at the same shipyard where her father was master carpenter before he died. Mary has set chores, which she must perform daily in order to keep the farm properly running. Her daily chores include, mucking out the barn, shimming the fence, helping with the cooking, and sopping the runt piglets. These must be done everyday, or else the farm will not be able to properly function, and if the farm cannot properly function then they will lose money and become poor. The chores are a necessity to the survival of the Chase farm. Persistance seems to be Mary's middle name. She never lets anything rest, even when it seems that everyone else has given up hope. "Mary seems to have more energy, more imagination. Her mind is endlessly working on a plan for escape. But Caleb's mind locks on those terrible stuffed bundles swinging from the tree limbs on Gallows Hill" (Lasky, 214). Continually, Mary is try...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Certificacin laboral PERM para green card por trabajo
Certificacin laboral PERM para green card por trabajo La certificacià ³n laboral PERMà es uno de los primeros requerimientos que deben cumplir las empresas que quieren patrocinar una tarjeta de residencia (green card) a trabajadores extranjeros. Elà PERM, que son las siglas que se utilizan en inglà ©s para referirse a este requisito, es un paso previo y necesario a la solicitud de la green card al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En otras palabras, sin la aprobacià ³n del PERM por parte del Departamento de Trabajo (DoL, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) no es posible iniciar los trmites migratorios. En este artà culo se explica los pasos para obtener el PERM, para quà © categorà as de peticià ³n de la green card por trabajo es necesario, tiempo de demora de su tramitacià ³n, quà © sucede con la familia del trabajador para el que se solicita el PERM y otras opciones para trabajar en Estados Unidos Pasos para obtener la green card por trabajo y cunto tiene lugar el PERM El PERMà es el segundo paso en la tramitacià ³n de una green card por trabajo. El primero paso es que una empresa està © dispuesta a patrocinar a un trabajador extranjero especà fico. Estas son las 100 empresas que patrocinan un mayor nà ºmero de tarjetas de residencia. Esta es una informacià ³n importante porque brinda una idea clara de quà © tipo de empresas suelen patrocinar y para quà © tipo de trabajo. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que las empresas pequeà ±as no patrocinen o no puedan hacerlo. Todo lo contrario. Pero lo cierto es que las grandes, particularmente en algunos sectores como el tecnolà ³gico, estn ms acostumbradas a hacerlo y estn ms familiarizadas con el proceso. El segundo paso en la tramitacià ³n de la green card por patrocinio de empresa es presentar el PERM ante el Departamento de Trabajo (DoL, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n del PERM tiene lugar el tercer paso, que es presentar la peticià ³n ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y finalmente, el à ºltimo paso se desarrolla con el Departamento de Estado si el trabajador est fuera de Estados Unidos, ya que la visa de inmigrante se obtiene en una embajada o consulado de los Estados à Unidos. Hay que destacar que los migrantes en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad deben consultar con un abogado antes de iniciar cualquier tipo de trmite, porque en la mayorà a de los casos el tener una empresa dispuesta a patrocinar no va a servir de nada como camino hacia la regularizacià ³n. Todo lo contrario, sirve para alertar a las autoridades migratorias. Peticiones de green card cuando es necesario el PERM: EB-2 y EB-3 Para casi todos los casos en los que se patrocina una green card a travà ©s de estas categorà as es necesario obtener un PERM (ver ms abajo las excepciones). En primer lugar, la categorà a conocida como EB-2 o segunda preferencia. Pueden beneficiarse los profesionales con una maestrà a o estudios superiores o tambià ©n las personas con habilidades excepcionales en los Negocios, las Artes y las Ciencias. Hay 40,000 visas de inmigranteà asignadasà por aà ±o fiscal para esta categorà a. En segundo lugar, la categorà a EB-3 o Tercera preferencia y Otros trabajadores que aplica a: Profesionales con licenciatura o egresados universitarios, es decir, el equivalente a el B.A. o el B.S. de Estados Unidos. Personas sin estudios universitarios pero con una habilidad profesional especial y experiencia laboral mà nima de dos aà ±os. Personas sin habilidades especiales pero cuyo trabajo requiere una experiencia laboral de al menos dos aà ±os. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la certificacià ³n laboral PERM no se requiere para los extranjeros que alegan que la tarjeta deberà a otorgrsele por razones de: à Interà ©s Nacional, es lo que se conoce como NIW, por sus siglas en inglà ©s dentro de la categorà a EB-2Habilidad extraordinaria en la categorà a EB-1, inversià ³n EB-5, o trabajadores especiales incluidos en la categorà a EB-4, tales como trabajadores religiosos, extranjeros que han prestado ms de 12 aà ±os de servicio en el Ejà ©rcito de Estados Unidos, traductores iraquà es y afganos que han trabajado para Estados Unidos, etc. En quà © consiste el PERMà La empresa estadounidense que desea patrocinar la green card a un trabajador extranjero debe obtener primero el PERM siguiendo 3 pasos. En primer lugar, el empleador americano debe publicitar la oferta de trabajo para asegurarse de que ningà ºn ciudadano americano, residente permanente, refugiado, asilado o persona con un permiso de trabajo est dispuesto y quiere desempeà ±ar ese empleo. Se trata de asegurar de que si hay ya en los Estados Unidos personas cualificadas que pueden trabajar, à ©stas opten al trabajo. Para ello, la empresa debe realizar labores para intentar encontrar un trabajador por un mà nimo de 30 dà as y un mximo de 180. Las condiciones son tambià ©n diferentes segà ºn se trate de una ocupacià ³n profesional o no. En segundo lugar, debe comunicarse con la NPWC ââ¬âuna oficina federal- para saber cul es el salario que se paga por el puesto de trabajo que se ofrece. Y es que ningà ºn extranjero puede cobrar menos y recibir beneficios laborales inferiores a los que cobran las personas nacionales en ese mismo puesto de trabajo, para evitar que las personas de otros paà ses presionen hacia abajo los salarios. Y en tercer lugar, el empleador debe rellenar electrà ³nicamente la planilla ETA Form 9089à en la pgina web del Departamento de Trabajo (DoL). Para ello debe crearse previamente una cuenta de usuario. à ¿Quà © examina el DoL para decidir si aprueba un PERM? El DoL bsicamente verificaà tres cosas: que la empresa està © respetando todas las regulacionesà que no hayà en Estados Unidos una persona que pueda trabajar, que està © capacitada para el trabajo que se ofrece y que està © dispuesta a hacerlo.que el empleo de una persona extrajera no afecta negativamente ni al salario ni a las condiciones laborales de trabajadores estadounidenses que se desempeà ±an en posiciones similares. El caso de empresas que quieren patrocinar a familiares El DoL pone especial atencià ³n a los casos en los que existe una relacià ³n familiar entre quien contrata y el patrocinado. En concreto la pregunta C.9 pide especà ficamente seà ±alar si el dueà ±o de la empresa o algà ºn socio, oficial o accionista es familiar el patrocinado. Y en este contexto el tà ©rmino de familia debe entenderse en sentido amplio e incluye a: cà ³nyuges, hijos, padres, abuelos, nietos, tà os y primos en cualquier grado. El và nculo puede ser por sangre, adopcià ³n o matrimonio. Si se puede probar que la necesidad de ese trabajador es de buena fe, el DoL aprobar el PERM, pero si el oficial a cargo del caso cree que se trata simplemente de querer contratar a un familiar pero hay ya en Estados Unidos un trabajador que puede ocupar ese trabajo, negar la peticià ³n. Tener en cuenta que contestar a esa pregunta otra cosa que no sea la verdad constituye un fraude de ley y que en el momento en que se descubre puede dar lugar bien a la negacià ³n del PERM o, si ya ha sido aprobado, a su revocacià ³n.à Tiempo de demora para la certificacià ³n laboral por el DoL Generalmente, el DoL aspira a dar una respuesta en el plazo mximo de 60 dà as. Sin embargo, en la actualidad se est demorando ms llegando a casi 90 dà as. Adems, si por cualquier razà ³n le ha tocado a la peticià ³n ser auditada, se requerir informacià ³n adicional al empleador y el trmite se demorar ms tiempo. Si la certificacià ³n de laboral PERM es aprobada, entonces el empleador debe dirigirse en un plazo mximo de 180 dà as al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tras rellenar la planilla I-140 se iniciar el proceso migratorio. Si el trabajador est legalmente en EEUU, por ejemplo, con una visa H1-B vlida y no hay que esperar para que la haya visas de inmigrante (tarjetas de residencia) disponibles para la categorà a para la que se pide al trabajador, entonces se puede solicitar al mismo tiempo un ajuste de estatus mediante la planilla I-485. Si no hay visa de inmigrante disponible, no se puede solicitar todavà a el ajuste y hay que esperar legalmente a tener una para poder hacerlo. Lo mismo sucede cuando el trabajador est en el extranjero, si hay visa de inmigrante disponibleà se iniciar el proceso consular para concederle la visa para viajar a EEUU. La tarjeta de residencia se activar una vez que entra al paà s mediante un sello en el pasaporte. Pero si no hay visa disponible, tendr que esperar. à ¿Quà © es esto de si hay visa de inmigrante disponible? Puede suceder que en el caso de trmites tarjetas de residencia por empleo dentro de la categorà a EB-3 à el nà ºmero de solicitudes sea superior al nà ºmero de visas de inmigrante que hay disponibles para esa categorà a. En estos casos se puede producir una demora entre la aprobacià ³n del USCIS y la fecha en la que se inician los à ºltimos trmites. Adems, esta espera puede afectar ms a los nacionales de determinados paà ses, ya que se establece un là mite por aà ±o fiscal no sà ³lo en el nà ºmero total de visas de inmigrante que se pueden dar en una determinada categorà a, sino tambià ©n en el porcentaje mximo que puede ir a los nacionales de un paà s. Para verificar cunto se puede demorar, checar la fecha de prioridad de la aplicacià ³n con la que publica cada mes el Departamento de Estado (DoS) en su Boletà n de Visas, dentro de la categorà a correspondiente. Tener en cuenta que la fecha de prioridad cuando ha sido necesario el PERM es la de presentacià ³n de papeles en el DoL mientras que si no ha sido necesaria es la fecha de presentacià ³n del formulario I-140 ante el USCIS. Familiares de trabajadores patrocinados para green card por razà ³n de trabajo El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros de 21 aà ±os de un trabajador para el que se patrocina una green card por estas categorà as tambià ©n pueden obtener sus propias residencias permanentes. A efectos migratorios, el tà ©rmino cà ³nyuge incluye tanto a los matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como a los celebrados vlidamente entre 2 personas del mismo sexo. à ¿Dà ³nde obtener ayuda para completar el PERM? Si se tiene algà ºn problema de carcter tà ©cnico como, por ejemplo, haber olvidado el PIN de usuario, se puede enviar un correo electrà ³nico a: Si se tiene alguna duda o inquietud sobre algà ºn aspecto del PERM, como por ejemplo, dà ³nde se debe publicitar el reclutamiento y cà ³mo, contactar por correo electrà ³nico con el Departamento de trabajo en la siguiente direccià ³n: En todo caso, el PERM es un asunto que requiere conocimientos migratorios y à tà ©cnicos por lo que es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado. Cuando se obtiene el PERM pero la peticià ³n de green card no es aprobada Es posible que a pesar de tener una empresa dispuesta a patrocinar y de obtener el OK del Departamento de Trabajo al PERM al final de toda la tramitacià ³n se niegue la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia. Las razones pueden ser muy variadas pero se resumen en una sola palabra: inelegible. Y es que para obtener la green card tanto a travà ©s del procedimiento consular o por medio de un ajuste de estatus es necesario ser elegible. Si por una causa se es inelegible, la residencia no es aprobada. Dependiendo de la causa en algunos casos ser posible obtenerla ms tarde, dejando pasar un tiempo. En otros la opcià ³n puede ser solicitar un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Y, en otras situaciones no se puede hacer nada con las leyes actuales en mano y no se obtendr la green card. Otras opciones migratorias para trabajar Para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos se necesita un documento que explà citamente lo permita, como por ejemplo una visa de trabajo, una de intercambio admitiendo la visa J-1 muchas variedadesà o un permiso de trabajo. En todo caso, aceptar un trabajo sin tener documentos migratorios que lo permitan es una violacià ³n migratoria. No confundir PERM con LCA La certificacià ³n laboral aplica cuando se quiere patrocinar a un trabajador extranjero en las categorà asà EB-2 y EB-3, es decir, esto es un proceso distinto al de Aplicacià ³n de Condicià ³n Laboral (LCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es un paso previo que se necesita realizar ante el Departamento de Trabajo pero para lasà visa de trabajo temporalà H-1B. Este es un artà culo informativo. no es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Application of Criminological Theory Case Study
Application of Criminological Theory - Case Study Example On my part, I would have opted to expel Robert immediately. However, my background in criminology prevents me from doing so. Theories of criminology are like lenses of different shades, sizes, and colors. They allow professionals and practitioners to look at an issue with a wider perspective. This is what I am obliged to do. I will consult the different applicable theories, compare and contrast their approaches, and finally I will state my decision in this hypothetical situation. In many ways, some of these theories contradict each other. Sometimes, they complement each other. Nevertheless, these should be thoroughly studied so that growth in knowledge can be attained. And, it is true: criminology can really be applied to many situations; it is not just a course for would be police officers or Crime Scene Investigation people. Strain is the pressure on disadvantaged minority groups and the lower urban populous to take advantage of any effective available means to income and success that they can find even if these means are illegal (Akers, 2000, in Collins, n.d.). With this theory, perhaps, Robert's disadvantaged origins game him a social stigma. Perhaps, I should look whether this student he beat up had previous mischief done to Robert, Robert just kept quiet, and he retaliated because he does not trust his teachers. But this is insufficient in itself. After all, this is just a hypothesis, and I must verify this later. Classical School of Criminology The classical school simply states that criminal behavior arises from the animal side of us. Humans are rational, but they usually act with their self-interest in mind. Consequently, if people are informed of the consequences of certain actions, they will avoid doing it. Thus, the concept of deterrence arises from the Classical School. Deterrence means a crime can be avoided by making sure that people are aware that punishment for a certain crime is so severe that doing it is not really worth it. (The Classical School, 1998). Perhaps, Robert is not really aware of the consequences of such anti-social behavior. If so, I will consider emphasizing to the students the consequences of such behavior. My would-be initial reaction would not be a far-fetched choice after-all. If this theory were to be followed, the school must punish Robert so severely so that no other student, privileged or not, will ever consider doing such behavior in the future. Also, in such event, I will review whether the disciplinary system is outdated and ineffective. I will form a committee to draft a new set of disciplinary rules, if such conclusions are also reached in an investigation. William Sheldon: Body Shapes Simply put, certain features of the body are determinants of criminal behavior. In particular, criminals usually have big, athletic, or overweight bodies. However, this theory is put in doubt. Some theories say that instead of Sheldon's somatype, it should be body mass index. (Maddan, S., Walker, J., and Miller, J., 2008) But this theory is not applicable since Robert is not really that huge or overweight or athletic. He is just an average guy, if you do not know
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analyzing an image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyzing an image - Essay Example This is done through the effective manipulation of the text, use of pathos or emotional appeal and the combination of the text and message that made the advertisement irresistible to its audience. The text that accompanied the ad ââ¬Å"life is theorizing where babies come from, and a memory foam mattress so you can sleep like oneâ⬠was very deft in manipulating the viewers to be attached to the image. It basically pointed to the two cute babies who were supposed to be ââ¬Å"theorizingâ⬠while it used the word ââ¬Å"memoryâ⬠to associate and trigger filial fond family ââ¬Å"memoryâ⬠from the audience. The text itself does not really mean anything but when it was used as a caption to a family on a bed where two babies are playing and a mother sleeping, the text suddenly assumed some depth and meaning. Now IKEA is no longer just a bed and a mattress made of wood and fabric but a place where families are conceptualized and where memories are made through the effective use of the visual text that manipulated the viewerââ¬â¢s emotion into liking the image and eventually, buying the product being advertised. The advertisement used pathos or emotional appeal heavily Instead of explaining in the advertisement the features of IKEA furniture which is the domain of the logos, the ad instead portrayed a family where children are playing on the bed while the mother is sleeping. This image alone is already very powerful and its emotional appeal was made more potent with the text that says ââ¬Å"life is theorizing where babies come from, and a memory foam mattress so you can sleep like oneâ⬠. In effect, IKEA is attaching its products to family making it irresistible for the audience not to be touched by the message and image of the advertisement. The text and the image complemented each other to form a very powerful advertisement that delivers a compelling message of family, good memories, comfort, coziness and cute babies. Taken
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mobile Phone Addiction Essay Example for Free
Mobile Phone Addiction Essay The mobile phone is one of the greatest invention in 20th century. We can not imagine how is our life without the mobile phone. It is an obvious truth that the mobile phone gives us benefits in some aspects of life. Using mobile phone distributes our communication to make it easier than before. Besides a mobile phone can provide us with a lot of functions like relaxing with music, chatting or playing games. However, today people especially young people are becoming addicted to using the mobile phone. They can not stay away from their phones, even for a minute. Perhaps, because of the benefits of the mobile phones, most people do not realize lots of negative effects that the mobile phone has brought to us. Using mobile phones too much not only affects our health seriously but also causes some personal problems and limiting communication face to face. In the high-tech world, the mobile phones are equipped with all necessary functions. People can chat together for hours whenever they have time. They talk together from hour to hour, from day to day. As a result, using mobile phone for a long time affects our hea lth. Do you know how dangerous the wave from the cell phone is for our brain? The waves from cell phone are very harmful to our physical body such as our heart and brain. A recent study tells that our brain is seriously damaged when using mobile phone too much. Have you ever experienced the headache with talking on the cell phone for a long time? It is the wave from the mobile phone that causes the headache. Due to the danger of the cell phone wave to our brain, using phones too much can cause a poor memory. Besides, the wave of cell phones is very strong so it can cause heart disease if we keep cell phone near our body, especially under the pillow while sleeping. With many functions of the cell phone, the young can listen to music anytime they want. By using a headphone, people can enjoy some video, some music all time without annoying anyone. However, one effect of listening by earphones for a long time is that it damages our ear, even it can cause deaf. Moreover, the excessive use of cell phones causes teens and young adults to experience restlessness and it can make them feel difficult to fall asleep. It is an obvious fact that using cell phones too much can affect our brain, because sleep loss and damage our ears. Our life is becoming more and more convenient and the mobile phone has become an indispensable and inseparable object. People use mobile phones in every place, every time to manage their business. They talk on the cell phone when working, even when they are on the road. A lot of drivers listen to cell phone conversations while they are driving on the road. Consequently, they can cause dangerous accidents for other drivers on the road. Getting caught up in conversations on a cell phone can lead to the loss of focusing and highly distracted driving. Furthermore, it is generally observed that drivers using cell phones often forget to give proper signals disobey street signs and tend to cut lanes without warning. It is such a careless driving that results in many crashes and fatalities every day. Therefore, our government should give the law to ban drivers from using mobile phones while driving. Besides, another result of using phones too much is the expenses for cell phone cards every month. We often spend a lot of money using mobile phone. Not only the expenses for cell phone cards, sometimes using phones in a public places also causes some problems. We can see some rude people who speak loudly in public places, particularly in libraries, trains and theatres, which disturb other people a lot. For example, the camera of mobile phones sometimes disturbs a persons privacy. Some people use the Bluetooth and the camera in a bad purpose. In short, using mobile phone can cause some personal problem like accidents on the road, money for cell phone cards and some trouble in public places. Mobile phone has become crucial part of our life. One of the most important functions of the phone is that it helps the communication become easier and quicker. However it also causes a lot of problem in communicating. Firstly, cell phone use has effects on the direct human to human interaction. Talking on the cell phones is gradually replacing the communication face to face between people. There was a time when the purpose of a telephone was to convey the important messages and not many people owned telephones. Thus, to talk together about something, they often met directly. Today owning a cell phone is held as a necessity and anyone including children have their cell phone. Therefore, the communication face to face between people is limited. Nowadays parents can be at the work place to talk to their children, to remind them of studying at school. Friends like chatting together for hours by mobile phone so they do not have anything to tell together when meeting at school. It seems that using cell phones too much destroys the pleasure of direct interaction. Another effect in communicating by mobile phone is misunderstanding between people. Always, people send messages to ask for information or congratulate someone. And the problem is that sometimes they forget to type the punctuation marks or they misspell, which makes the receiver misunderstand. More seriously, this can destroy the relationship between them. Therefore, to avoid some problem in communicating by cell phone, people should be careful in using it. Mobile phone is really necessary for our life because of many convenient functions of it. However, sometimes mobile phone can cause us many problems. The advantages or disadvantages of using mobile phones depend on the way how we can use it in right ways or in wrong ways.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay example --
Problem Analysis Is this a good thing one may ask, the answer is sometimes no. Connecting online to friends is one thing but when you bring work into it, it can become complicated. Some of the online websites such as Facebook and Twitter can be personal accounts as well. It is really up to the person if they want to mix personal and professional on these websites. Participation in such networks results in a potential collision of professional and personal worlds that may open up opportunities as well as create challenges for employees as they strive to establish and maintain respect and liking in the eyes of their professional contacts (Ashforth, Kreiner, & Fugate, 2000; Kossek, Noe, & DeMarr, 1999; Phillips, Rothbard, & Dumas, 2009). When interacting in online social networks, employees move from offline interactions, where disclosure and feedback are tailored within particular conversations and guided by clear physical cues (Goffman, 1956), to interactions characterized by open disclosure to broad audiences, some of which are not readily visible (Boyd, 2007; Donath & Boyd, 2004; Ryan, 2008).So, a problem of oneââ¬â¢s personal and professional accounts can occur more often than one may think. When this happens it is definitely a new opportunity and challenge for one to take on. If one does bump into a problem or get oneself into a situation online involving coworkers, it is good to try and set some boundaries for oneself online. Although, little is known about how employees manage the boundary between their professional and personal identities in online social networks and what this means for their professional relationships. Social networks are defined as ââ¬Å"individuals (or organizations) which are tied b y one or more specific types... ...entities online are quickly becoming critical skills that most employees and managers need to master. Employees are faced with a menu of different boundary management options, which may have positive or negative consequences for the way they are regarded by professional contacts and which entail varying degrees of risk, opportunity, and difficulty (Ollier-Malaterre 2013). As the vast amount of social communication that already occurs in cyberspace continues to grow, employees will certainly encounter collisions of their professional and personal identities online. It is up to that person to decide how they will handle the collisions and what boundaries they should set up for themselves as employees and their companies. It is also up to oneself to decide what boundaries they should put up for all of their social networking sites, for both personal and professional.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analyse on “Broken boat” by John Galsworthy
Good time management is essential for coping with the pressures of modern life without experiencing too much stress.If you never have enough time to finish your tasks, better time management will help you regain control of your day.Good time management doesn't mean you do more work. It means you focus on the tasks that matter and will make a difference. Whether itââ¬â¢s in your job or your lifestyle as a whole, learning how to manage your time effectively will help you feel more relaxed, focused and in control.ââ¬Å"The aim of good time management is to achieve the lifestyle balance you want,â⬠says Emma Donaldson-Feilder, a chartered occupational psychologist.Here are her top tips for better time management: Work out your goalsThis first step towards improving your time management is to ask yourself some questions. ââ¬Å"Work out who you want to be, your priorities in life, and what you want to achieve in your career or personal life,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder. ââ¬Å" That is then the guiding principle for how you spend your time and how you manage it.â⬠Once you have worked out the big picture, even if it's quite general, you can then work out some short-term and medium-term goals. ââ¬Å"Knowing your goals will help you plan better and focus on the things that will help you achieve those goals,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder.Make a listA common time-management mistake is trying to remember too many details, leading to information overload. A better way to stay organised and take control of your projects and tasks is to use a to-do list to write things down.ââ¬Å"Try it and see what works best for you,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder. She prefers to keep a single to-do list, to avoid losing track of multiple lists. ââ¬Å"Keeping a list will help you work out your priorities and timings, so it can help you put off the non-urgent tasks.â⬠Work smarter, not harderGood time management at work means doing high-quality work, not high quantity. Donaldson-Feilder advises concentrating not on how busy you are but on results. ââ¬Å"Spending more time on something doesnââ¬â¢t necessarily achieve more,â⬠she says. ââ¬Å"Staying an extra hour at work at the end of the day may not be the most effective way to manage your time.â⬠You may feel resentful about being in the office after hours. Youââ¬â¢re also likely to be less productive and frustrated about how little youââ¬â¢re achieving, which will compound your stress. Have a lunch breakMany people work through their lunch break to gain an extra hour at work, but Donaldson-Feilder says that can be counter-productive. ââ¬Å"As a general rule, taking at least 30 minutes away from your desk will help you to be more effective in the afternoon,â⬠she says.A break is an opportunity to relax and think of something other than work. ââ¬Å"Go for a walk outdoors or, better still, do some exercise,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder. ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢ll come back to your desk re-energised, with a new set of eyes and renewed focus.â⬠Planning your day with a midday break will also help you to break up your work into more manageable chunks. Prioritise important tasksTasks can be grouped in four categories:urgent and important not urgent but important urgent but not important neither urgent nor importantââ¬Å"When the phone rings, it seems urgent to pick it up but itââ¬â¢s not necessarilyà important,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder. ââ¬Å"It may be more important to continue with what you were doing rather than be distracted by a phone call. When it is appropriate, it may be more effective to let your voicemail pick up the message.â⬠Donaldson-Feilder says people with good time management create time to concentrate on non-urgent, important activities. By so doing, they minimise the chances of activities ever becoming urgent and important.ââ¬Å"The aim is to learn how to become better at reducing the number of urgent and important tas ks. Having to deal with too many urgent tasks can be stressful,â⬠says Donaldson-Feilder. Practise the 4 DsWe can spend up to half our working day going through our email inbox, making us tired, frustrated and unproductive. A study has found that one-in-three office workers suffers from email stress.Making a decision the first time you open an email is crucial for effective time management. To manage this burden effectively, Donaldson-Feilder advises practising the 4 Ds of decision-making: Delete: half of the emails you get can probably be deleted immediately. Do: if the email is urgent or can be completed quickly.Delegate: if the email can be better dealt with by someone else. Defer: set aside time at a later date to spend on emails that require longer action.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Personal Healthy Living Plan Essay
1. Physical a. I will develop a workout schedule for me to do throughout the summer time and for the rest of my time here in college. b. There are so many reasons to exercise regularly (better health, weight loss, feeling happier all around), and so many reasons to just, well, not (happy hour, errand-filled days, vacations). If the latter reasons are getting the best of you, here are four simple ways to stick to a workout routine. c. My state of change would be preparation. d. I will be doing this scheduling within the next few weeks or month. I will start by writing out the schedule and do specific workouts each day to target different parts of my body. In doing so, I will also write out stretching and cool down workouts as well to balance out the work intake. e. Some barriers that I might face are feeling lazy, in taking the wrong foods which will lead me to not wanting to work out and negativity from people around me. They way that I will overcome these barriers is to avoid having the feeling of laziness, not in taking the wrong types of food and to not listen to any negativity that comes out of others around me. f. The way I will commit this plan is by thinking of the end result; having the satisfaction of being in control of my body and proving peopleââ¬â¢s negativity wrong. 2. Spiritual a. My goal for spirituality will be to starting going back to church and participating in meditations. b. The benefits of meditation are manifold because it can reverse your stress response, thereby shielding you from the effects of chronic stress. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently, and you sweat less. c. My state of change would be preparation. d. I will do meditations at least three times a week or when needed to relieve stress. I will start going back to church when I go back home on Sunday and this will continue for the rest of my time there and when I come back to school. e. Some barriers that I might face are not having the time to fit meditation in when I have a busy work schedule and being unable to go to church if I work on Sundays. Ways that I can counter these barriers are rescheduling my work hours around the time me and my family would be going to church and putting aside time for meditation to relieve all the stress from work and school. f. The way that I will commit to this plan is by thinking of how less stress I will be if I did meditation and by going to church with my family will help create a strong bond between us that we havenââ¬â¢t had in quite a long while. 3. Social a. My goal is to create a strong friendship with those who I care for the most; my friends and my family. b. Youââ¬â¢re shy or lack confidence, talking to people can be very stressful. Thatââ¬â¢s why itââ¬â¢s a good idea to work to improve your social skills. Once you feel comfortable interacting with people in a social setting, youââ¬â¢ll see the benefits immediately. Youââ¬â¢ll meet new friends, youââ¬â¢ll be exposed to new experiences, and youââ¬â¢ll feel 100 percent better about yourself. Here are some simple steps to help you feel comfortable in public. c. My state of change would be action. d. I expect that I will start be more social with my friends now that school is about to finish. I also intend to be social with my immediate family; spending more time with them, talking and visiting them now that I will be staying home. e. Some barriers that I might face are being unable to hang out with friends because of my busy schedule or because their busy schedule and being unable to visit my family because I have no transportation to get there. How I will overcome these barriers will be to make time for them and put aside things that are unnecessary to do. Iââ¬â¢ll do the same for seeing and making time for my family. f. The way I will stay committed to this plan is imagining how happy my family members will seem when they see me after not seeing each other for about two years or so and the same with my friends. 4. Intellectual a. My goal is to studying hard for my finals that are soon to be arriving and do a time management chart to organize all my studying time. b. Developing time management skills is a journey that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way. One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc. c. My state of change would be termination. d. I will set specific times to study and organize my work according to the date of the final. Making sure I put the important things to get them done and out of the way for the next study session. e. Some barriers that I might face while doing this would be not getting enough sleep at night because I want to get everything done right away, not being able to retain all the information that I just took in and neglecting to eat. How I will overcome these barriers will be to get sleep to help me retain the information and make time to eat so I get my nutrients that I need to keep going. f. The way I will stay committed is the gratitude of being done and satisfaction of passing all my classes with good grades. 5. Emotional a. My goal to relieve my build-up emotions will be through dancing. b. People can avoid these common emotional traps and improve your emotional health, attitudes, and self-esteem. One method of shifting emotion is called the BARES model. c. My state of change would be action. d. Instead of keeping my emotions to myself, I will relieve them through dancing in my room or by going to a dance party. e. Some barriers that I may face will be not wanting to dance or not wanting to talk to anyone about all the emotions that I have inside. Some ways that I can overcome these barriers is to pick good music to dance to or have my boyfriend be my dancing partner and create a strong bond as well as relieving stress and emotions build-up. f. The way I will stay committed to the plan is knowing that with expressing my emotions, I will become a better person and be less stress especially with finals ahead. 6. Environmental a. My goal is to take less time taking a shower than taking a longer one. b. Your morning or evening shower is very easily the most relaxing part of your entire day. Sometimes it just feels so good to close your eyes and stand under the rain-like flow of your showerhead. The only problem is, sometimes our most relaxing showers are also the ones that waste the most water (and therefore waste the most energy, too),-One-Shorter-Shower-at-a-Time!ââ¬âFollow-These-Shower-Efficiency-Tips&id=199375 c. My state of change would be action. d. Starting now, taking less time in the shower would be beneficial to the environment because I will be wasting less water and less energy to keep the lights on when showering. e. Some barriers that I can face will be to having the feeling of not wanting to shorten my showers because they feel good to me and because the water feels good when taking it after a sports game or work out. Some ways to overcome these barriers are to tell myself that I will be helping the environment and saving energy. f. The way I will stay committed to this plan is knowing that Iââ¬â¢m helping out the world instead of myself.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Chinese Book Report Essays - Chinese Communists, Marxist Theorists
Chinese Book Report Essays - Chinese Communists, Marxist Theorists Chinese Book Report China Book Report Book: China Since 1945 Author: Stewart Ross (Note: This book is not described in full depth and detail but is just explained in a very general way, therefore Mahmoud Abdelkader uses The Modernization of China by Gilbert Rozman (Editor) excerpts to support his views) Type of Book: Illustrated Pages: 64 China Book Report The book China Since 1945, written by author Stewart Ross, opens in a description of the Chinese Empire in the 1900s. There it describes the terrain of the Chinese lands and thoroughly states the fact of having the Great Wall of China to keep out the barbarians at 221 B.C. The author uses a very admiring tone of the Chinese Empire and seems to think its one of the very few best empires that have ever formed. In fact, Rozman states, the cultural and scientific achievements of the Chinese had been immense, including the invention of paper, printing and gunpowder, and the creation of the most exquisite paintings and by most Empire Critics China was one of the best Civilizations around. The author starts the book by Revolution and disintegration incident that happened in 1911, where the British and Japanese fought over control of China. Chinese prisoners were being led away for execution during the revolution where they would be beheaded with swords, which the author states is very popular. It mentions the presidency of Sun Yatsen and his reforms which he could not control that he made himself in 1912. Around this time, warlords took over China controlling it and ruining its economy. The author moves on to war that involved China and its neighbors. It describes the Communist Revolution and Mao Zedong, an the Autumn Harvest. The author then relates to Maos victory in 1945-1949 and the Japanese forces pulling out. The authors view toward Chinese views is very critical and then goes to analysis of the book, but supports China. In fact, the way that this was looked upon, is that this is actually a bunch of essays that were put together by the author thats why his mood changes. The only way of finding out what the author really thinks is the way of his introduction. The author, actually, does support China and doesnt take a prejudice side to it. Rozman says, Although critics sometimes critique China and its imperialistic ways, I find it most innovating that China is superior in many of its way and its technologies that keep us alive today are immense and should be recognized as an act of a strong economic nation, not as a communist death hole. He completely wants the reader to understand that he has no offense on China, but China has an effect on itself from many other critics. Stewart Ross on the other hand, uses China in a horrible sense or criticism. He critiques China after 1945 in almost any way he can. His tone doesnt sound biased, but after the first 10 pages, the book starts taking a negative effect towards China. He starts the book as if it is the most intriguing country in the world, but soon it his enthusiasm descends to a lower degree. The conclusion that the reader would be able to see is that the actual author isnt biased about China but about Communism, since it affected China in every way after 1945. The writing of the book looks as if it is directed to any American who is interested in Chinas modern history. The book is written by an American author who directs his views to another American. He directs China from Chinese eyes. He doesnt exactly point it out that there is conflict and doesnt show any biased thoughts or actions. He simply just states facts and doesnt try to criticize it through Chinese eyes, but directs his views as if his research team was the one that was having trouble figuring something out. This may be unclear but Ill state an example. The team didnt know how many millions of people died in the Land Reform, but were pretty sure its around 35%. It is explained that the cruelty of the Chinese during land reforms are extremely harsh, for the landlords were taken from their lands, leaving the warlords
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Whistleblowing Ethics Essay Sample
Whistleblowing Ethics Essay Sample Whistleblowing Ethics Essay Perhaps, one of the most difficult things to do when inside an organizational setting is saying when ââ¬Å"enough is enoughâ⬠. Although it is true that every organization, workplace, or community has their own flaws, just as how they have their own rules, delineating what is ââ¬Ëgoing beyondââ¬â¢ is not exactly as easy as it sounds like. Therefore, any individual regardless of his/her rank, gender, class, age, etc. must know when to blow the whistle. In order to do this, one must first know what is enough and even this is subject to limitations. As for many experts out there, the belief is that the threshold for any flaws or mistakes that are committed within an organization is if it poses certain threats to the organization and the people around it, or if it crosses and undermines the ââ¬Ërule of lawââ¬â¢ as established by the society. In this equation, one might ask about the ethics of whistleblowing in doing this, since at times conflicts might arise in terms of ââ¬Å"loyaltiesâ⬠especially if the one doing the mishaps is a friend, colleague, or even a family member. However, by looking into it, it is also more unethical to let someone get away with their wrongdoings since it might not only damage the system or the organizations as well as the people around them but even the people that someone cares for. Nevertheless, this debate is still ongoing today with plenty of people being subscribed to both sides. In other situations, it might still be harder to blow the whistle, even if ethics is not on the line. This is most likely due to inefficiencies and other difficulties in the system itself such as the method or channels of reporting or even the hierarchy with which to do things. Perhaps, the system is too bureaucratic that it takes a long time for these reports to go to the right people who could and would do the necessary steps to cull these mishaps. In these cases, people how directly sees the action might feel a little bit frustrated and ââ¬Ëunethicalââ¬â¢ since their actions are not reaping what is needed. Thus, this is the time when these people do unnecessary steps which, instead of helping improve the situation, lead to conflicts and other actions which lead to other circumstances that make matters worse. These actions are usually outside of simply ââ¬Å"whistle blowingâ⬠(which is healthy in the correct circumstances) are now also considered unethical since they tr y to circumvent the established laws are regulations which are designed to deal with these matters. Although there are other people who believe that these are acts of heroism, most of the times stepping out of these established notions could just lead to more trouble and are not exactly the best thing to do in order to bring peace and harmony to each and every member of the organization. Nonetheless, ethics in itself is a very complicated matter. What might seem ethical for one person, might not be for another. This is exactly the case for whistleblowing and thus for any individual who experiences this dilemma, it is important to know that when confused and frustrated about what to do, the best way might be to stick with the pre-established channels and methods of dealing with conflict. By doing this, not only are these individuals doing their part for the betterment of society, they are also doing a part for both the betterment of themselves (as a member of a collection of individuals) and at times, the betterment of the people whom they ââ¬Å"blow the whistleâ⬠for.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MSc PROJECT MANAGEMENT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MSc PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example Senior management in childrenââ¬â¢s services indiscriminately punish employees for inadequacies in the assessment and referral systems. Although many analysts are of the opinion that ineffective implementations account for the errors, they decry the practice by management to blame and punish employees overlooking the assessment and referral processes. The result has been a consistent practice by employees to cover up errors occurring in the systems (Broadhurst et al., 2000). In addition, the workers take a more laid-back approach to disseminating feedback that helps the management to pinpoint functional and operational challenges in the systems. The overarching impact of this gap in communication between the employees and management is the clear impediment to innovation and continuous management necessary of all technology-based information systems. The vicious cycle of malpractices in the system has resulted in stagnation in the innovation process and the consequential failures o f the modernized assessment and referral. Many experts think the current flaws in the referral and assessment systems are traceable to the initial design frameworks of the systems. The approach taken by healthcare management left out key steps in the introduction and implementation of the computerised systems. Some of the problems included lack of careful assessment of the functions of the modernised systems (Kaye et al., 2004). Proper staff retraining was also necessary for effective transition from the manual systems to the automated system. Pushing to the periphery the needs and input from various stakeholders contributes to the current difficulties in the current modernised assessment and referral systems. The heavy level of investment in technological facilities seems to have done little to improve the quality of service delivery through the modernised assessment and referral systems. The
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 14
Reflection - Essay Example Sharing ideas in an honest way in the workplace provide opportunity for employees to give information that helps in better working environment. Working as a leader with my friends in organizing a function, I lied about better rewards after doing the task. The truth came out later and I lost trust of those I had worked with in organizing the function. Using honesty in workplace is important in achieving optimum working environment. In as much as we like to show our achievements and sometimes commanding, being a humble leader is very important in relating to other. Humility will ensure other people in junior ranks do not feel intimidated be the leaderââ¬â¢s presence. A humble leader will provide opportunity for other junior members to approach him/her easily and freely discuss any arising problems. Provision of such opportunity will ensure decisions made with best interest for all. Humility forms vital part in relations of workers or members in an organization. Leaders or employees who are arrogant have hard time in relating to fellow employees or juniors. This limits discussions and sharing of ideas to make workplace better. Being a humble leader helps in gaining respect but not fear from juniors. Humble leaders also accept mistakes if they have committed one and do not blame others. This involves choosing what is right to even if it does not favor those close to the leader. Fairness shows the quality of a leader who can deal with those who like them and those who do not like them. In fairness, the leader follows the rules and set example to any person looking up to him/her. This strength sets example and shows how to follow organization rules to benefit everyone. This character strength is very important in making decisions that affect people around. It involves giving every person equal chances in development in the work area that in turn motivate employees to work hard. Unfair treatment of
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